loi ba'e bropre : Even the Jews
ni'o la'o zoi Paula zoi terpinka be fi'o se spuda le lamli'e seltcidu be'o terpreti fi lu ma xebro xebni pagbu li'u i mi gleki lo nu le go'i cu terpreti i mi pu tolkufra lo du'u mi sitna da'i nai le pagbu be le seltcidu be'o goi ko'i na gi'e ciska le fukpi be le karni seltcidu noi se du'u ko'i zasti i py xlura mi lo nu a'i troci lo nu facki ko'i i je ko'i selyli'e i le jdaselsku be te zu'e lo nu loi xebro cu lijda binxo cu se cusku ca lo po'o mumymomdei co tersla be lo nu la xristos mrobi'o i mi pagbu selsre la'a fanva fi lo latmo | ![]() |
Orémus et pro Iudæis: ut Deus et Dóminus noster áuferat velámen de córdibus eórum; ut et ipsi agnóscant Iesum Christum Dóminum nostrum. | |
ni'o ji'a ei ma'a jdacpedu se va'u loi bropre te zu'e lo nu la cevn e le nolja'a pe ma'a cu vimcu lo gacri lo cnise'i be by kei e lo nu by krici xusra tu'a la iecu,yx xristos noi nolja'a ma'a i e'o cai ga'i nai cai doi la cevn noi roldavyvlipa je cimni zi'e noi na fanta lo nu kecti loi ba'e bropre do'u do tinju'i lo jdaselsku be mi'a be'o poi mi'a friti ke'a mu'i lo ka by to'e ka'e viska ku'o i je a'o cai by va'o lo nu ba'o krici xusra tu'a lo gusni po'e lo ka jetnu po'e do ku no'u la xristos cu se rivbygau fi lo ka manku pe vo'a | And let us pray for the Jews, that God and our Lord lift the veil from their hearts, and that they acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord. All-powerful and ever-living God, who rejectest not even the Jews from thy mercy, hearken unto our prayers, which we offer on account of the blindness of that people, so that, having recognized the light of thy truth, which is Christ, they might be rescued from their darkness. |
Now I'm wondering: was it the intent of the authors of this mass to single out the Jews among other non-Christ-worshipping religions? Or were Muslims, Hindus, etc. not really on the event horizon for the Vatican in 1570?
They singled out the Jews. The Jews are special because Jesus was Jewish, and Peter, James, and John were Jewish. They brought the good news of salvation to the Jews, and hence the Jews are the only group that had Jesus in their midst and rejected him.
By 1570, I think the Christians had paltry success in conversion in India, and had decent success in Latin America. And they had never bothered with the Muslims, to whom they had already lost lots of people and by whom they were constantly threatened.
I have to admit that although I can see why this would hurt people's feelings or ruffle people's feathers, I can also understand where the makers of the prayer are coming from.
It's like praying for the (entirely fictional) misogynistic son of Gloria Steinem to be converted to feminism. "You are Jewish. Jesus walked amongst you. Clearly you are being willfully stubborn here."
I'm kidding and I'm not kidding. In all honesty, sometimes I am baffled by the concept of Judaism, what it means spiritually.
I am not signing my name...
And just to clarify: I'm not saying *I* feel that way, or if I were writing a mass, i'd include that, it's just that I can understand the impulse that makes someone want to "pray for" someone who sees things differently.
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I too can understand where they're coming from. Perhaps Vatican II is a flukish event in Catholic history, and that it should be rolled back or undermined is to be expected. Perhaps in a hundred years Ratzinger will be seen as the guy who regained the Society of Saint Pius X (the only reason I can discern for this action) only to lose Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
It's also a little creepy that a German Pope could not restrain himself from actively insulting the Jews.
As far as Judaism goes, I reckon Judaism is a culture that has its own religion. As far as I know, most cultures have always been like this. The advent & spread of Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam has obscured this fact to us. But outside of the temporal and geographical sway of those three, most people have followed a faith that is particular to their culture/ethnicity.
Full disclosure: The deleted post is the same as this one, except it included a mention of Ratzinger's membership in Hitler Youth, which is unfair, because it was required by law.
You know more about this scene than I do, but it does seem to me that reforms like Vatican II are risky for institutions like Catholicism, which are invested in the idea that they have a pipeline to timeless truth. Hold onto your old beliefs, and you look increasingly troglodytic; reform them, and you're basically saying, "Yeah, you really have to take this divine inspiration thing with a grain of salt." Seems to me that the conservative wing of Catholicism will always have a leg to stand on.
Ever see Rossellini's great film Paisa? The fifth episode is about three WWII military chaplains - a Catholic, a Protestant, and a Jew - visiting a monastery that's exists more or less outside the flow of time. The monks are shocked at the presence of a Jew, and give up their already pathetic meals as an offering to God so that He will make the Jew see the light. Rossellini ends the episode abruptly, in the oddest place: the Catholic chaplain is moved by the simplicity and purity of the monks, but he clearly never considers giving up his modern habit of touring Italian battlefields with his Jewish pal. I never used to know what to do with that episode, but lately I appreciate that Rossellini didn't try to resolve his story conflict.
Strong point. Perhaps he's watching the Anglicans fall apart and running the other way.
Being largely ignorant of Rossellini, I have never so much as heard of Paisa, but I've added it to my list.
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